displaylib_1bit_PICO 2.0.0
1-bit colour graphic display library, Rpi PICO RP2040 library
No Matches
Test List
File ch1115/bitmap/main.cpp
  1. Test 301 Buffer init test : Bitmap Vertical addressed, can be used when initialising Buffer. Buffer is defined with bitmap data in it.
  2. Test 302 OLEDBitmap method test : Bitmap Vertical addressed, buffer not used, writes directly to screen, NO Buffer.
  3. Test 303 drawBitmap method test 1/2 : Bitmap Data Vertical addressed, call setDrawBitmapAddr(true) to set this mode. Default.
  4. Test 304 drawBitmap method test 2/2 : Bitmap Data Horizontal addressed call setDrawBitmapAddr(false) to set this mode
  5. Test 305 small bitmaps
File ch1115/FPS_Function/main.cpp
  1. Test 501 Enable and disable Screen (Sleep mode)
  2. Test 502 Invert screen color
  3. Test 503 Flip screen with OLED command
  4. Test 504 Contrast screen
  5. Test 505 Scroll Screen
  6. Test 506 Fade breath effect
  7. Test 507 Rotate Screen by rotating buffer
  8. Test 601 Frame rate per second test. FPS.
File ch1115/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 101 Hello World 128X64 screen
File ch1115/text_graphics/main.cpp
  1. Test 701 Default font
  2. Test 702 Wide font
  3. Test 703 Pico font
  4. Test 704 Sinclair font
  5. Test 705 Mega font
  6. Test 706 Arial bold font
  7. Test 707 hallFetica font
  8. Test 708 Arial round font
  9. Test 709 GroTesk font
  10. Test 710 Sixteen Segment font
  11. Test 711 Display ASCII font 0-255 default font
  12. Test 712 Base number systems using print method
  13. Test 713 println + print & textwrap
  14. Test 714 print method String object
  15. Test 715 print method numbers
  16. Test 901 Graphics functions
File erm19264/bitmap/main.cpp
  1. Test 301 Buffer init test : Bitmap Vertical addressed, can be used when initialising Buffer. Buffer is defined with bitmap data in it.
  2. Test 302 LCDBitmap method test : Bitmap Vertical addressed, buffer not used, writes directly to screen, NO Buffer.
  3. Test 303 drawBitmap method test 1/2 : Bitmap Data Vertical addressed, call setDrawBitmapAddr(true) to set this mode. Default.
  4. Test 304 drawBitmap method test 2/2 : Bitmap Data Horizontal addressed call setDrawBitmapAddr(false) to set this mode
  5. Test 305 small bitmaps
File erm19264/FPS_functions/main.cpp
  1. Test 501 All Pixels on
  2. Test 502 Invert screen color
  3. Test 503 flip screen command
  4. Test 504 rotate screen buffer
  5. Test 505 Scroll Screen
  6. Test 506 Enable and disable screen
  7. Test 601 Frame rate per second test. FPS.
File erm19264/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 101 Hello World 128X64 screen
File erm19264/text_graphics/main.cpp
  1. Test 701 Default font
  2. Test 702 Wide font
  3. Test 703 Pico font
  4. Test 704 Sinclair font
  5. Test 705 Mega font
  6. Test 706 Arial bold font
  7. Test 707 hallFetica font
  8. Test 708 Arial round font
  9. Test 709 GroTesk font
  10. Test 710 Sixteen Segment font
  11. Test 711 Display ASCII font 0-255 default font
  12. Test 712 Base number systems using print method
  13. Test 713 println + print & textwrap
  14. Test 714 print method String object
  15. Test 715 print method numbers
  16. Test 901 Graphics functions
File nokia5110/bitmap/main.cpp
  1. Test 301 Bitmap full screen
  2. Test 302 Vertically addressed data small bitmaps
  3. Test 303 horizontal addressed data small bitmaps
File nokia5110/framerate_test/main.cpp
  1. Test 601 FPS test (frame rate per second)
File nokia5110/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 101 Hello World Hardware SPI
File nokia5110/text_graphics_functions/main.cpp
  1. Test 501 fill + clear screen
  2. Test 502 Sleep
  3. Test 503 Rotation
  4. Test 504 invert screen command
  5. Test 701 Default font
  6. Test 702 gll font
  7. Test 703 Pico font
  8. Test 704 Sinclair font
  9. Test 707 Mega font
  10. Test 708 Arial bold font
  11. Test 709 hallFetica font
  12. Test 710 Arial round font
  13. Test 711 GroTesk font
  14. Test 712 Sixteen Segment font
  15. Test 713 Display ASCII font 32-90 default font
  16. Test 714 Base number systems using print method
  17. Test 715 println + print & textwrap
  18. Test 716 print method String object
  19. Test 717 print method numbers
  20. Test 901 Graphics shapes
  21. Test 902 Draw pixel
  22. Test 903 Draw lines
  23. Test 904 Advanced Graphic shapes
File sh1106/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 100 Hello World 128x64 screen
File sh1107/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 100 Hello World 128x64 screen
File ssd1306/bitmap/main.cpp
  1. Test 301 OLEDBitmap method, bigImage 64x64 pixels
  2. Test 302 OLEDBitmap method, Small icons 16x8 pixels
  3. Test 303 OLEDBitmap method, full screen image 128x64 pixels
  4. Test 304 OLEDBitmap method, image 40x16 pixels
  5. Test 305 OLEDBitmap method, image 88x48 pixels
  6. Test 306 drawBitmap method, 16x16 pixels
  7. Test 307 drawBitmap method, 40x16 pixels
  8. Test 803 Bitmap error checking
File ssd1306/clock_demo/main.cpp
  1. Test 401 Clock Demo
File ssd1306/FPS_test/main.cpp
  1. Test 601 FPS test frame rate per second
File ssd1306/hello/main.cpp
  1. Test 101 Hello World 128X64 screen
File ssd1306/hello_128_32/main.cpp
  1. Test 102 Hello World 128X32 screen
File ssd1306/I2C_test/main.cpp
  1. Test 1008 I2C interface testing
File ssd1306/text_graphics_functions/main.cpp
  1. Test 501 Enable and disable Screen (Sleep mode)
  2. Test 502 Invert screen color
  3. Test 503 Contrast screen
  4. Test 504 Scroll Screen
  5. Test 505 Rotate
  6. Test 701 Default font
  7. Test 702 Wide font
  8. Test 703 Pico font
  9. Test 704 Sinclair font
  10. Test 705 Mega font
  11. Test 706 Arial bold font
  12. Test 707 hallFetica font
  13. Test 708 Arial round font
  14. Test 709 GroTesk font
  15. Test 710 Sixteen Segment font
  16. Test 711 Display ASCII font 0-255 default font
  17. Test 712 Base number systems using print method
  18. Test 713 println + print & textwrap
  19. Test 714 print method String object
  20. Test 715 print method numbers
  21. Test 808 Error checking test functions
  22. Test 901 Simple graphics test
  23. Test 902 Advanced graphics