Raspberry Pi library NOKIA_5110_RPI created


  • Name: NOKIA_5110_RPI
  • Description:
  1. C Library for Nokia 5110 LCD, PCD8544 Driver. 84 x 48 pixels.
  2. Dynamic install-able Raspberry Pi C++ library.
  3. Inverse colour, rotate, sleep, contrast methods supported.
  4. Five fonts
  5. Graphics class included.
  6. Bitmaps supported.
  7. Hardware and Software SPI
  8. Dependency: bcm2835 Library
  • Author: Gavin Lyons
  • Port of my PIC library at github link.
  • Created: June 2021
  • Developed on
    1. Raspberry PI 3 model b,
    2. C complier gcc (Raspbian 6.3.0-18)
    3. Raspbian 9.13 stretch OS
    4. bcm2835 Library 1.68

Github link to library