Raspberry Pi library SSD1306_OLED_RPI created

  • Name : SSD1306_OLED_RPI
  • Description :
  1. Library to support the I2C 128X64 OLED Display Module driven by the SSD1306 controller for the Raspberry PI.
  2. Raspberry Pi C++ library.
  3. Inverse color, rotate, sleep, scroll and contrast control.
  4. Default font is Extended ASCII, scalable font.
  5. 4 other fonts included.
  6. Graphics class included.
  7. Bitmaps supported.
  8. Hardware I2C using bcm2835 library
  9. Also tested on 128X32 display size. Should work for 96X16 display size.
  • Author: Gavin Lyons
  • Developed on
    1. Raspberry PI 3 model b,
    2. C++ complier g++ (Raspbian 6.3.0-18)
    3. Raspbian 9.13 stretch OS
  • Author: Gavin Lyons

Github link to library